In August 2012, ON Semiconductor introduced a fully programmable Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) switching battery charger optimised for power efficiency in smartphones, tablets and other handheld devices.
Features and USP: NCP1851 significantly reduces the charge time, increases battery life and includes advanced start-up features. With a 1.6 ampere (A) charging capability, the device is perfectly sized at 2.2 x 2.55 mm for the latest USB compliant input supplies and large battery capacities. It can complete a full charge cycle of a 1650 milli-ampere hour (mAh), 4.2 volt (V) Li-Ion battery in 90 minutes. The NCP1851 is housed in a 25 bump Flip-Chip CSP package case with overall dimensions of a mere 2.2 mm x 2.55 mm and height of 0.6 mm. The device is priced at US$1.25 per unit in 3,000 quantities.
For further details: Arrow Electronics India Private Ltd, Bengaluru; 91 80 4135 3800; [email protected]; For more distributors, visit