Statement by Ajai Chowdhry, Founder HCL and Satya Gupta, Advisor-IESA

Electronics & Semiconductors have become the most critical meta-technologies for growth of the economy, all the industry verticals, day-2-day life and agents for social transformation of masses. We are very pleased that Governments of India has come out with a comprehensive and progressive policy addressing Semiconductor Product Design, Manufacturing and Research with INR 76,000 Cr. ($10 Billions) allocation. The focus on Silicon Logic Fab, Display Fab, Compound Semiconductors Fab, packaging, Semiconductor-products-design and Research will help in creating a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem in India leveraging the already existing semiconductor design capabilities.

This is first time government is providing significant incentives for Semiconductor product Design called Design Linked Incentives (DLI) giving incentives for product development and product deployment to create Indian chips level products. The year-long effort by the Meity team in consultation with Invest India, other ministries, Domestic & Global industry and Academia has resulted in a policy covering all aspects of the industry and has the required depth of understanding of the global ecosystem. We are looking forward to an effective and timely implementation of the policies, with the help of a professional, experienced management and serious involvement of the eminent domestic and global Indian semiconductor leaders in design and manufacturing of semiconductors. I have involved with most of the efforts for developing semiconductor ecosystem in India for last 15 years and I sincerely feel that the current policy is most comprehensive effort with deep understanding of the requirements of the industry and is the right way forward to create long-term Atma-Nirbhar in the field of Semiconductor and Electronics.


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