Crypto Quantique joins STMicroelectronics Partner Program to cut customer time-to-market for secure IoT network implementation

Crypto Quantique, announces that it has joined the STMicroelectronics Partner Program to make its QuarkLink universal IoT security management platform available for use with the STM32 family of microcontrollers and STSAFE secure elements.

The Quarklink platform automates the complex and time-consuming processes of provisioning, onboarding, and lifetime management of IoT devices built upon ST’s semiconductor technologies. The processes, which typically take months to complete when done manually, are completed with a few mouse clicks on QuarkLink’s intuitive user interface. Thousands of IoT devices can be onboarded to one or more servers within minutes, without users needing any cryptographic expertise, to create robust and secure connections.

Shahram Mossayebi, Crypto Quantique’s CEO, commented, “QuarkLink is the ideal complement to ST’s technologies for any company wishing to develop or deploy secure IoT devices and scalable networks. ST’s commitment to security is demonstrated through its STM32Trust strategy. QuarkLink connects ST’s technologies deployed within IoT devices to server-based applications and services in the fastest, most secure way, creating a complete end-to-end solution for customers.”

STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, created the ST Partner Program to help customers’ design teams access extra skills and resources to speed customer development efforts. By identifying and making customers aware of ST-Partner companies with complementary products and services and adding a certification process that assures that all partners are periodically vetted for quality and competence, the ST Partner Program accelerates design and product development and shrinks time-to-market for new products. For more information, please visit


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