Nuvoton Technology Corporation launches the brand new NUC200 series 32-bit Cortex™-M0 microcontroller. The NUC200 series provides the high 50 MHz operating speed and includes ISO-7816-3, USB 2.0 FS, VBAT supply for RTC and 12-bit ADC, which makes it ideal for consumer electronics and industrial control applications.
Features & USP – The NUC200 series features 50 MHz high speed and supports 32-bit multiplier, structure NVIC (Nested Vector Interrupt Control), dual-channel APB and PDMA (Peripheral Direct Memory Access) with CRC function. In addition, the NUC200 series is equipped with flash memory ranging from 32 KB to 128 KB, SRAM from 8 KB to16 KB, 8-channel 12-bit ADC, high-performance communications peripherals, such as UART, SPI, I2C, I2S, ISO-7816-3, USB 2.0 FS devices, VBAT supply for RTC, and offers low-voltage reset and Brown-out detection, PWM (Pulse-width Modulation), capture and compare features, four sets of 32-bit timers, Watchdog Timer, and internal RC oscillator, etc.
The NuTiny-SDK-NUC200 is a development kit which supports NUC200 series to work with Keil RVMDK, IAR EWARM evaluation development environment, and CooCox ( – a free and open development tool, including project manager, editor, compiler tools and debugger. Nuvoton also provides the ISP (In System Program), ICP (In Circuit Program) and IAP (In Application Program) function, by either on-line or off-line programming system to update flash memory program. The NUC200 series is now in volume production; it offers the LQFP48/64/100 package types for various applications.
Nuvoton Technology continues to expand product competitiveness and provides cost-effective microcontroller products to meet customer’s demand.