Renault Creates New Entity To Produce 400,000 EVs by 2025

This comes as several other automakers are making the switch to electrifying their vehicle fleet by the end of this decade, vying to enter the lucrative and growing EV market

French automaker Renault announced its new legal entity called the Renault ElectriCity that will produce 400,000 electric vehicles a year by 2025. 

“By creating this single entity, Renault Group aims to make these plants the most competitive and efficient production unit for electric vehicles in Europe,” the company said in a statement. 

This comes as several other automakers like Ford and Volkswagen are making the switch to electrifying their vehicle fleet by the end of this decade, vying to enter the lucrative and growing EV market. 

Under this new entity, the automaker is combining three of its plants in northern France. The Ruitz plant will host a new electrical components manufacturing activity, while Douai is a car assembly site, and Maubeuge is a commercial vehicles assembly plant. 

To support this ambitious industrial project, Renault Group plans to create 700 permanent jobs between 2022 and the end of 2024, the company added. 

“I am very proud to have contributed to the creation of Renault ElectriCity, a symbol of Renault’s know-how and technological innovation, and to participate in the enhancement of the economic and social attractiveness of Hauts-de-France in Europe. This agreement, signed with all the trade unions, is proof that the commitment of employees, constructive social dialogue and a strong local presence are key to setting up a robust and attractive industrial model”, said Luciano Biondo, Director of Renault ElectriCity. 


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