Starting an Electronic Counter Making Business

By Research Team, ComConnect Consulting

This report details the nuances that go into setting up an electronic counter making business.

We are surrounded by different electronic gadgets, most of which contain electronic counters. Be it for scientific purposes, domestic uses, keeping track of time or counting stocks, we require tools that help us in easing calculations. Enter electronic counters!

An electronic counter is a digital logic device that stores and displays specific events continuously, according to its configuration and programming. Sequential digital logic circuit is a common type of counter. It consists of a single input line (clock) and a number of output lines. Value of the output lines denotes a number in binary number system (BCD, or binary coded decimal).

Electronic counters can be implemented by using register-type circuits, like flip-flops. These are classified into different types, and a few of these are mentioned below.

1. Synchronous counter
2. Asynchronous counter or ripple counter
3. Up/down counter
4. Decade counter
5. Ring counter
6. Cascaded counter
7. Johnson counter
8. Modulus counter

These electronic counters include arithmetic functions, controllers, batch counters, count totalisers, event counters, pre-sets, pulse counters, delay cycles, position indicators, rate meters or tachometers, and time meters.

Electronic counters are found in a variety of electronic devices and gadgets, including cash registers
Electronic counters are found in a variety of electronic devices and gadgets, including cash registers

Reset capability of the counters can be none, manual, remote or auto reset (model dependent). Electronic counters are available in several mounting configurations, including stand-alone ones. Considering the vast operations of electronic counters, you can figure out that the scope of this business to thrive in India is huge.


Market potential

The electronic counter market in India is prominently increasing due to an increase in the usage of electronic gadgets in every aspect of life. The major factor driving the adoption of electronic counters is the increasing demand for consumer electronic products. For example, electronic counters are used for setting AC timers, setting timers to take pictures using cameras, flashing indicator lights in vehicles and so on.

Electronic counters can also be used as clock dividers. These devices are used in businesses such as retail shops, for calculating the incoming and outgoing of customers. These are also widely used for manufacturing purposes, for controlling batch sizes, punch/drill products or cut materials. Importance of these precision instruments is enormous in business applications.

Raw materials and equipment

Electronic counters consist of many tiny electronic components. These components are made from a variety of raw materials, as given below.


Copper is often used for its excellent conductivity and malleability (the ability to be shaped and mashed). Nickel, chromium, aluminium, lead, silver and tin are also used.

Plastics and other petroleum-based materials

Plastics and petroleum-based materials are used in electronic components mostly for their insulating and heat-resistant properties.

Minerals and non-metallic materials

Silicon—considered a metalloid or semimetal—is used in microchips and semiconductors. Other non-metal or semi-metal materials are antimony, bismuth, cobalt, fluorite, garnet, magnesium and talc.

Other raw materials

Ceramics are used as insulators in a variety of electronic components.

Major equipment and machinery needed for this business are as follows:

1. Drilling machine
2. Grinder (portable)
3. Oscilloscope (50MHz)
4. LCR-Q meter
5. Power supply (0-30V, 3A)
6. Insulation tester
7. Testing setup (consisting of voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, etc)
8. Digital multimeter
9. Analogue multimeter
10. Temperature-controlled soldering stations, tools, etc
11. Jigs, fixtures, electronic screw-drivers, etc
12. Office equipment and furniture

Pollution control practices

The government of India has pledged to give utmost importance to control environmental pollution. To support this drive, small-scale entrepreneurs are required to have an environmental-friendly attitude and adopt pollution-control measures by process modification and technology substitution.

In the business of electronic counter manufacturing, a great amount of plastic is used, most of which is not recyclable. The electronics industry uses chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform for cleaning PCBs after assembly, to remove flux residues left after soldering, and various kinds of foams for packaging. To reduce harmful chemicals emission in the atmosphere, the steps given below can be followed.

Fumes and gases are released during soldering, which are harmful to people as well as the environment. Alternative technologies may be used to phase out existing polluting technologies.

Numerous new fluxes have been developed, which contain two to ten per cent solids as opposed to the traditional 15 to 33 per cent. To remove flux residues from PCBs, alternative solvents could replace CFC-113 and methyl chloroform.

Chlorinated solvents such as trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene and methylene chloride have been used as effective cleaners for many years. Organic solvents like ketones and alcohols are effective in removing both solder fluxes and polar contaminants.

Business economics

An indicative analysis is given on the following basis and presumptions:

1. Basis for production capacity calculation has been taken on a single shift basis, on 75 per cent efficiency. Therefore the total number of counters produced per month is 300 only, and per year 3600.


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