Infineon Closes 2021 Fiscal Year with Record Quarter; Outlook for 2022 Confirmed: Revenue Growth in Mid-Teen Percentage Range and Continued Improvement in Profitability

 Today, Infineon Technologies AG is reporting results for the fourth quarter and for the full 2021 fiscal year, both of which ended on 30 September 2021.

“Infineon has closed the 2021 fiscal year with an outstanding fourth quarter. We are stronger than ever and report revenue of over €11 billion for a full fiscal year for the first time, with significantly higher profitability,” said Dr. Reinhard Ploss, CEO of Infineon. “Our corporate strategy is fully focused on the key trends of electrification and digitalization. We have established a first-class position that is enabling us to shape both of these fields with innovative technologies. In light of the continued high demand for semiconductors needed for the energy-efficient, connected world, we expect the 2022 fiscal year to be a strong one. We are investing significantly more in order to take advantage of opportunities to grow. We are continuing to expand our manufacturing capacities – for silicon as well as for the compound semiconductors silicon carbide and gallium nitride.”

 Q4 FY 2021: Revenue €3.007 billion, up 10 percent on preceding quarter and 21 percent on previous year; Segment Result €616 million; Segment Result Margin 20.5 percent; free cash flow €378 million

  • FY 2021: Revenue €11.060 billion, up 29 percent year on year; Segment Result €2.072 billion; Segment Result Margin 18.7 percent; free cash flow €1.574 billion
  • Outlook for Q1 FY 2022: Based on an assumed exchange rate of EUR/US$1.20, revenue of around €3 billion predicted. On this basis, Segment Result Margin forecast at around 21 percent
  • Outlook for FY 2022: Based on an assumed exchange rate of US$1.20 to the euro, revenue of €12.7 billion plus or minus €500 million forecast for 2022 fiscal year. At mid-point of guided revenue range, Segment Result Margin of about 21 percent predicted. Investments at about €2.4 billion planned. Free cash flow expected to reach €1 billion
  • Dividend proposal for FY 2021: increase from €0.22 to €0.27 per share


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