Provide Financial Support to Facilitate Major 5G Trials in India: COAI asks Govt

The mobile association wants the Telecom Department to give instructions for allocation of spectrum for trials free of cost for the duration of the trial.

 The Cellular Operators’ Association of India (COAI) has written to the Telecom Department asking for financial support and subsidies to facilitate major 5G trials in India.

The Telecom group also said that the stipulated permissions and charges related to network equipment purchase, and deployment, like import licence and custom fee, should be waived off for the entire period of the trial, according to PTI.

As mentioned in its letter, COAI wants the Telecom Department to give instructions for allocation of spectrum for trials to telecom service providers and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) partners free of cost for the duration of the trial.

“DoT should support and facilitate stakeholders regarding the availability of site locations for 5G trials. DoT must provide financial support to all concerned stakeholders related to deployment – backhauls, site acquisition, civil works and trials manpower and related operational expenses…,” COAI said in the letter dated February 7, 2019.

Single point of contact for all related clearances

It suggested there should be a single point of contact for all related clearances, and DoT should facilitate all processes and clearances through digitally automated and paperless mechanism.

“In addition, the concerned authorities should also waive off the charges to lay optical fibre cables to 5G sites and core locations for Gigabit connectivity,” it said adding that this would facilitate that trials are conducted in a smooth manner.

COAI has also mentioned that Internet of Things (IoT) services should also be considered as part of the proposed trials, and that the operators should be allowed to choose their OEM partners independently and select sites as per market dynamics and respective 5G strategies.




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