ON Semiconductor has broadened its portfolio of N-channel power MOSFET devices with the introduction of new 30 V products with integrated Schottky diodes.
Features and USP: The NTMFS4897NF, NTMFS4898NF and NTMFS4899NF have maximum RDS(on) values of 2 mΩ, 3 mΩ and 5 mΩ, respectively, at 10 V, optimised for synchronous side buck converter applications to achieve higher power efficiency. Typical gate charge specifications of 39.6 nC, 25.6 nC and 12.2 nC, respectively (at Vgs of 4.5 V), ensure that switching losses are also kept to a minimum. Typical applications for this new power MOSFET device include DC-DC conversion, point-of-load conversion and low side switching tasks for servers, telecom network infrastructure, PCs, notebook computers and games consoles.
For further details: Website: http://www.onsemi.com/PowerSolutions/locateSalesSupport.do