A high-efficiency power regulator offers an ideal solution for streamlining the system design process of cutting-edge IoT devices.
element14 has expanded its semiconductor lineup by incorporating the Nordic Semiconductors’ nPM1300 Power Management IC. This addition enhances the range of connectivity solutions for various devices. The nPM1300 simplifies system design by consolidating essential functions required for embedded designs into a single, compact package. It boasts high-efficiency power regulation, offering extended device runtime and efficient battery charging while reducing the need for numerous components.
This intelligent IC integrates various system management features, including built-in hard reset functionality for one or two buttons, precise battery fuel level monitoring, a system-level watchdog, power loss notifications, and recovery from failed boot sequences. In Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) embedded designs, these functions typically require discrete components, whereas the nPM1300 incorporates them into a unified package.
Key features of the Power Management IC include:
- Battery charger ranging from 32 to 800 mA.
- Two buck DCDC regulators at 200 mA each.
- Two load switches at 100 mA each, or alternatively, one LDO at 50 mA.
- Five GPIOs.
- Three LED drivers.
- Controlled through I2C-compatible TWI.
- USB-C compatibility.
The company plays a pivotal role in shaping the wireless future and is deeply committed to ultra-low-power wireless technology. The power management IC is now available through Farnell in EMEA, Newark in North America, and element14 in APAC.